Top 10 Best Indoor Hanging Plants

Top 10 best indoor hanging plants.

Written by Elizabeth B.

What makes the best indoor hanging plant? With so many creative options for “hanging” plants indoors nowadays, the answer to that question really comes down to your effort and experience level as a gardener. Hanging baskets are always a winner, but with a little design inspiration and the right tools, you can suspend almost any indoor container to create your own domestic jungle. 

When choosing the best plant for your lifestyle, you should consider the plant’s light needs, water requirements, humidity preference, and if it’s toxic to pets (and people). We’ve compiled a list of our favorite indoor hanging plants that will bring peace and fresh oxygen(!) to both the greenest and not-so-green thumbs out there.

1. Bird’s Nest Fern

The Bird’s Nest (Asplenium nidus) is a tropical plant native to the rainforests of Australia, Asia, Hawaii, Madagascar, and Polynesia. Also called a Nest Fern, it’s an epiphytic plant, meaning that it naturally grows on the surface of other plants. In the wild, they grow fronds up to five feet tall in the crooks of trees. 

As houseplants, your Bird’s Nest will grow emerald green leaves that are only about two feet. Hang your fern where it will receive filtered sunlight; direct sun in the morning is fine. Because the plants like humid rainforest conditions, they’ll thrive in your bathroom near a shower or bathtub. Water only when the top of the soil is dry. 

2. English Ivy

English Ivy (Hedera helix) is an evergreen perennial native to Scandinavia, Russia, and Europe. It’s shade-tolerant, so it grows well indoors and also outdoors as ground cover to mitigate erosion. It’s a hearty and fast-growing foliage plant that will reward you with year-round green-yellow leaves with white veins.

English Ivy does best inside when it’s hanging with plenty of room for vines to trail or climb. The plant likes bright, indirect light, so any place in your home with a window is ideal. English Ivy prefers soil that is on the dryer side, so be conservative with your watering; wait to water until the soil is dry to the touch. 

Note: English Ivy is a beautiful but toxic plant if ingested. We do not recommend if you have pets or curious small children.  

3. Philodendron

There are hundreds of species of the genus Philodendron that come in two varieties: vining and non-climbing. Both kinds can be great houseplants as long as you have the space to train vining varieties to grow up to 20 feet (you can trim them to your liking). Philodendron are tropical plants native to Central and South America. 

In your home, they will thrive in an environment that mimics their native jungles. Place them near a window to receive lots of bright indirect sunlight. The plant prefers soil with a moderate amount of moisture so water when the first inch of soil is dry to the touch. If you live in an especially arid climate without humidity, you should also spray the plant with water every few days. 

Note: All Philodendrons are toxic to pets and people if ingested.

4. Donkey’s Tail (aka Burro’s Tail or Lamb’s Tail)

The Donkey’s Tail succulent (Sedum morganianum) is a favorite for hanging basket enthusiasts because of its distinctive rows of cascading tear-drop leaves. The plant grows wild across Mexico and Honduras. 

Like most succulents, Burro’s Tail is a hearty and forgiving plant. Place it near a sunny window to receive ample sunlight. You should give it one heavy watering per month. When watering, be careful not to handle the leaves too much or too roughly as they are extremely fragile and will come off easily. 

5. String of Hearts (aka Rosary vine, Chain of hearts, or Chinese lantern)

String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) has a little bit of something for everyone. The succulent evergreen vine is native to South Africa and flowers twice a year with unique light purple, tubular blooms. Its leaves are heart-shaped and marbled gray-green. Vines can grow several feet and need room to hang.

Hang your String of Hearts someplace where it will get plenty of filtered sunlight. Even though it’s a succulent, they like to be watered a good amount. Let the soil dry between deep waterings. String of Hearts is a robust yet forgiving plant. It’s a great option for inexperienced gardeners. 

6. Mistletoe Cactus 

Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis spp) is a tropical cactus with long trailing vines that look especially attractive when suspended. Native to Florida, The Caribbean, South & Central America, and Africa, this cactus is an epiphyte, which means that it naturally grows on the branches or trunks of trees. One of the best features of this plant is that it produces small edible fruits that are mild and sweet. 

For best results, hang your Mistletoe Cactus where it gets ample bright, indirect sunlight. It likes moderate to light humidity, so they do well in bathrooms with windows. Keep the soil slightly moist at all times but be sure that the plant is never sitting in water. 

7. Morning Glory

The Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea) is a flowering vine that’s in the same botanical family as the sweet potato. Native to Mexico and Central America, the plant gets its name from the bright trumpet-shaped flowers that tend to bloom in the morning. As a hanging indoor plant, vines grow several feet, but gardeners can cut them to the desired length.

Morning Glories love full sun conditions. Keep them on a sill or near a window that gets 6-8 hours of sun every day. Be diligent with watering as the plant likes its soil moist but well-draining. 

Note: Morning Glory seeds are poisonous if ingested by pets or people. The mature plant is safe but if you’re starting from seed, keep them out of reach from fluffy and small family members. 

8. Guido Aloe

Guido Aloe is a succulent hybrid with distinctly green/white stippled leaves with fringed edges arranged in a central rosette. They enjoy full sunlight near a window for at least half the day. They’re drought-tolerant, but it’s best to deeply water them as soon as the soil is dry and they’re in direct sun. If you don’t plant in cactus soil, you should add gravel, sand, or volcanic rock to improve drainage. 

9. Jade Rose (aka Hens and Chicks)

Sempervivum Jade Rose is a succulent perennial with a rosette made of green and deep purple leaves. The plant’s common name, Hens and Chicks, comes from its propagation method. The mother plant (hen) sends off multiple offshoots at the base, which grow into smaller “chicks” around her. Jade Rose is easy to grow and will especially thrive when hung in/by a cold window. Like other succulents, be sure not to waterlog them even for short periods of time. 

10. Pitcher Plant

The common name Pitcher Plant refers to about 80 plants in the genus Sarracenia, Nepenthes, and Darlingtonia native to the US. You can find some varieties growing wildly in almost all 50 states plus parts of Canada. Pitcher Plants are carnivorous and get most of their nutrients from insects that they catch in their pitcher-shaped leaves. Like many carnivorous plants, their unique evolution was the result of growing in nutrient-deficient soil. To supplement their food, they evolved leaves to harvest nutrients from creatures that live above ground. 

Pitcher Plants are easy to grow indoors. They love moisture and humidity, so keep their soil damp. You can also spray their leaves every few days. Hang your plant anywhere in the home that gets a lot of indirect light.

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