Kill Weeds Naturally

A plant growing on the steps of a red brick house.

bWtZZHere’s a helpful quick tip for killing weeds without the use of harmful chemicals:  Killing weeds naturally has always been a challenge for those that want to be earth-friendly, but most don’t know that there is a really simple solution!  Weeds need to be hydrated with water just like our favorite perennials, annuals and water wise beauties! What dries up water fast? Salt, that’s right folks, salt.  Sprinkle every weed with an abundant amount and let the plant dry up over time, in no time your weeds will be gone and the earth will thank you for avoiding harsh chemicals.

For those that would like a faster acting solution to killing their weeds naturally, put white vinegar in a pressurized spray bottle and go to town on the little guys, within 24 hours the weeds should be gone but be careful not to spray any wanted plants as they will die along with your weeds if sprayed.


For those looking for organic lawn weed killer these methods will not work and will damage the grass along with the weeds. If you need an organic way to kill weeds in grass we recommend coming in to our store and picking up Whitney Farms Organic Lawn Weed Killer which works great for killing common weeds without harming the grass.

That’s it, I hope you liked our quick tip to help you kill weeds naturally.



    • These methods will damage the grass. If you need an organic way to kill weeds in grass we recommend coming in to our store and picking up Whitney Farms Organic Lawn Weed Killer which works great for killing common weeds without harming the grass. 🙂

  • Thanks! Giving the vinigar treatments already but haven’t tried the salt!!!

  • Thanks for the info! Can the salt be used on weeds in our lawn? Between our gardeners possibly bringing weed seeds in from other yards and winds blowing in those in, we’ve got a lot of weeds. Please help!!!

    • These methods will damage the grass. If you need an organic way to kill weeds in grass we recommend coming in to our store and picking up Whitney Farms Organic Lawn Weed Killer which works great for killing common weeds without harming the grass. 🙂

    • Hi Will,

      We recommend using “grass-getter” by Monterey. They have a great product that will kill “weedy grasses” without damaging your native and drought tolerant plants. This product will not kill broad-leaf weeds. There isn’t a product available that is able to decipher between broad leaf weeds and drought tolerant plants. If your xeriscape garden does not have any plants and you are strictly using rocks, pebbles, or gravel to landscape, we recommend using round up to kill all weeds and grasses. Don’t use round up on your yard if you have native or drought tolerant plants as they will die along with your weeds if you do.

    • Hi Will! Thanks for contacting us with your question. 🙂 Unfortunately, we do not carry lond handled cobra gardening tools, however, we do carry a lot of other name brand long handled gardening tools! If you’d like to know more about these options, please call (949) 837-3040 and ask for garden shop.

  • I have been trying to find a way to kill weeds. Thanks for sharing your method of using salt. I like this idea because it does not involve harmful chemicals. I wonder if the salt attracts more insects. I will have to try it and find out.

  • Your comment not to use Roundup if I have pebble and drought tolerant plants. Can I use Roundup if I spray the weeds not around my drought tolerant plants? Thanks

  • Green Thumb Nursery