Cone Bush

By Richard Flowers, ACCNP-Green Thumb Nursery-Ventura If you are a gardener who desires a plant [...]

Monrovia Hydrangeas are now available at Green Thumb Nursery!

Written by David S. Hydrangeas are a beautiful and easy to grow flowering shrub that become [...]

Our Flowering Trees are in and Looking Beautiful

Written by David S. Our flowering trees are looking beautiful, and now is the time to [...]

Break of Frost Period – Veggies are Here

Written by David S. Many gardeners are familiar with plant hardiness zones and part of those [...]

Growing a Houseplant Garden Can Help You Feel Grounded

Written by Alicia R. It is natural to long for time in the company of greenery. [...]

A Rose Is A Rose

By Richard Flowers, ACCNP-Green Thumb Nursery-Ventura Robert Frost poemed, “The rose is a rose and was [...]

2019 Gardening Trends

Written by Richard Flowers, ACCNP-Green Thumb Nursery-Ventura Today, I want to provide you insight on popular [...]

Spring Bulbs To Plant Now For Spring/Summer Blooms

Written by Richard Flowers, ACCNP-Green Thumb Nursery-Ventura For several years I had tall growing Gladiolas planted [...]

On Valentine’s Day, Share a Little Love For the Garden

Written by Alicia R. Gardens are romantic, which is why so many people choose to [...]

How You Can Conserve H2O by Designing a Water-Wise Garden

Written by Alicia R. Water conservation is a way of life in California especially since [...]

Green Thumb Nursery